Correlation of Filling Fitness for Discharge Summary of Inpatient with the Health Ministerial Regulation Number 269 Year 2008 in Baptis Hospital, Batu City, Indonesia
The summary of returning patients is a summary of all patient care and treatment periods as has been attempted
by health workers and related parties. This sheet should be signed by the treating physician. The patient
summary returns reflect all the important information that concerns the patient and can serve as a basis for
further action. Based on PERMENKES 269 / MENKES / PER / III / 2008 in stage 4 states that the home
summary must be made by doctors and dentists who treat patients. Therefore, the summary of patients returning
home is said to be still not good because the filling in the Medical Resume that has not been filled completely.
This study uses Descriptive research, which is one type of research method that tries to describe and interpret
the object in accordance with what it is. The method used in data collection is interview and observation. This
study aims to review the suitability of filling patient summary returns on the inpatient medical records file at
Baptist Batu Hospital. The data used are medical record data file of inpatients in January-March 2017. The
results showed that the highest percentage in the filling summary of patients back home that is as much as 100%
exist in the patient identity variable. The completeness of the completion of the outpatient patient summary form
found at inpatient in January had reached 84%, February 86%, and March reached 87%.
Keyword : Patien home summary, conformity