Registration Guide

  1. Go to
  2. On the navigation menu, click Register.
  3. You will be taken to the Register page. Fill in your profile on the Profile page (* required):
    First Name:enter your first name (required).
    Middle Name: enter your middle name (if it contains a middle name)
    Last Name: write your last name
    Affiliation:write down the institution where you serve
    Country : Write down your country
  4. Email: enter a valid email address. Any notification regarding the status of your article will be sent via email written here.
    Username: write your username that is used to login, may contain letters, symbols or numbers (do not  use spaces).
    Password: write down the password used to log into the JRMIK website (try to remember and record it).
    Repeat Password: repeat the password in the previous step again
  5. click Register


Guidelines for submitting articles/scripts to JRMIK

Before submitting an article, make sure that the article to be submitted is in accordance with the style of the enclosure in the JRMIK journal (see templates and JRMIK writing guidelines). To submit an article, the steps are as follows:

  1. Visit the website then log in based on the account that was previously registered.
  2. Click New Submission,
  3. Submission Checklist: please check if your article is as required by JRMIK.
  4. Comments for the Editor: Please fill in if there are messages or comments for the Editorial Team regarding the manuscript. If you have clicked Save and Continue.
  5. select the article component
  6. Next upload your article by clicking Choose File, find the location where your article file is stored, if you have clicked Continue.
  7. click finish
  8. If you have, please click Save and Continue.
  9. Next, fill in Title , Subtitle, Abstract , List of Contributors, Additional Refinements Keywords ,
  10. please click Save and Continue.
  11. Your submission has been uploaded and is ready to be sent. You may go back to review and adjust any of the information you have entered before continuing. When you are ready, click "Finish Submission".
  12. Submissions: to monitor the status of the articles that we send.